dinsdag 9 februari 2010

Das Kapital

Currently I'm sitting on a small fortune:
49k + 7.5k + 15.5k + 5k + 3.8k + 1.8k + 500 + 200 = 83300g +- and a lot of stuff in items

I've still got about 200 Meta gems, about 100 Eternal Fires, about 80 Dark Jades, about 60 Chalcedonys (spelling?), 15 Eternal Belt Buckles, 40 Greater Cosmic Essence and a lot more :)
So all in all... 90 - 100k

maandag 1 februari 2010

Lazy/Crazy man's gold

Ok, this is an idea I've thought of on how to make gold easily. You do, however, need quite a large starting fund and/or a lot of time to set it up.
This post is mainly directed to a friend of mine, but it could just work for anyone!

First: level cooking and fishing. It IS time intensive to level, but it's worth it because of the dailies.
Second: if you're leveling a character with strong AoEs, pick skinning. Borean, Nagrand and places like that are heaven for you. I did this on my Paladin (Prot) and my Lock (Destro/Affli) and with all the meat, the greys and the skins it is quite a lot of gold. It hardly requires more than just bashing your head on your keyboard to get them to die.
Third: if you're into soloing dungeons I'd recommend doing ones with valuable items: mageweave, runecloth, rep items, wool cloth (Horde mostly!). Dungeons I like to do: Stratholme, Steam vault, Zul'Farak. They are squishy and can often be mass pulled.
Fourth: if you've got JC/Alchemy/Tailoring/Mining, never forget to do your daily or use your CDs.
Fifth: While leveling a toon, you'll probably run into a lot of different items: greys, whites, greens, blues and epics. Everything has at least SOME value. You could vendor it, use it, AH it, but you often shouldn't throw it away! So: bring big and clean bags (Netherweave's 16slotters are a GREAT start and hardly cost more than 12g/piece)
Sixth: P.I.M.P. your bank. How often did you just vendor stuff or threw something on the AH just because you ran out of space? Buy all the tabs you can, there's even an achievement for it!
Seventh: not everything is about end-game items. You could focus on old world items that are still valuable: ores/bars (Adamantite/Fel Iron/Thorium/Mithril), herbs (Kingsblood/Briarthorn) etc...
Eight: I you haven't got a gatherer toon, make a DK if you can! They've got a talent called "on a pale horse" or something like that and it increases your mounted speed by 20%! Now level some nice gathering profs and walk around like a mad man
Ninth: If you just don't have a lot of high level characters, just borrow your friend's characters. Often people just forget about their profession's dailies.
Tenth: Be innovative. Be positive. I can make some gold and so can you! Do some research and I'm sure you'll find a nice market.

Good luck!


Many people claim that Elixir is THE way to go with Alchemy. I tried it, but it was horrible. Didn't suit me: recruiting a botter to grind for me or else farm the AH like crazy. Not my cup of tea.

So... I shifted my focus towards transmutation. The proc chance isn't too great, but I do like it a lot. I've got a lot of leftover green quality gems from JC and the Eternals aren't hard to come by.
Meta gems and the 'daily' transmutation are the core of my Transmutation machine.
A part of the meta gems goes straight into the AH, but about 75% goes to my JC. I should really start using my Jc more... ah well... I've still got 240 UNCUT meta gems lying around. Even just putting them straight on the AH should net me a little fortune!
240 x 35 (minimum price for uncut meta, often higher) = 8400.
The cost in creating them isn't all that high: +- 25g.
So even in a bad situation I'd still get 2000g+ (AH cut and other failed sales guessed) profit even if they are uncut.
Cut they could go for 75g when demand is high and supply is 'low' (I'm around!), but often they just go for 50g.

My personal favorites are +agi/+critdmg and +crit/+critdmg. Pretty much every class likes +critdmg, so there isn't a lot of risk involved

It's insane profit and even the daily transmutation is enough for many players in order to come by.

'Free money' with JC

On my server there seems to be something weird going on. Raw blue quality gems are going below their cut minimum price. This mostly happens with orange and green gems and they can't help but bring a smile to my face.
So basically, I just buy 'em out, cut 'em semi-afk (I come back every 10 mins to check if my JC is done cutting them). So, I basically earn 50s - 1g for with 2 clicks (crafting and vendoring ' em).
Not bad, eh?

Green quality gems sometimes go below vendor price as well. Raw they go for 5g/20 gems, but cut they go for a minimum of 10g (in theory you could get 20g as well, but that's just pure RNG).

You could of course say that you could use your time better. Sure you can! But this isn't hard and I think it's as 'free' as it gets. So, say you need a smoke, or you've got to go to the... toilet! Well, this is perfect for you! Just craft 'em and walk up to the vendor when you're ready.
So far I've made a fair deal of gold with it (total of about 200g - 300g profit).

'Free' is a relative term, but in WoW this is as free as it gets. You can't really stick a gold/hour on it, but it doesn't take more than a single braincell.

