maandag 1 februari 2010

Lazy/Crazy man's gold

Ok, this is an idea I've thought of on how to make gold easily. You do, however, need quite a large starting fund and/or a lot of time to set it up.
This post is mainly directed to a friend of mine, but it could just work for anyone!

First: level cooking and fishing. It IS time intensive to level, but it's worth it because of the dailies.
Second: if you're leveling a character with strong AoEs, pick skinning. Borean, Nagrand and places like that are heaven for you. I did this on my Paladin (Prot) and my Lock (Destro/Affli) and with all the meat, the greys and the skins it is quite a lot of gold. It hardly requires more than just bashing your head on your keyboard to get them to die.
Third: if you're into soloing dungeons I'd recommend doing ones with valuable items: mageweave, runecloth, rep items, wool cloth (Horde mostly!). Dungeons I like to do: Stratholme, Steam vault, Zul'Farak. They are squishy and can often be mass pulled.
Fourth: if you've got JC/Alchemy/Tailoring/Mining, never forget to do your daily or use your CDs.
Fifth: While leveling a toon, you'll probably run into a lot of different items: greys, whites, greens, blues and epics. Everything has at least SOME value. You could vendor it, use it, AH it, but you often shouldn't throw it away! So: bring big and clean bags (Netherweave's 16slotters are a GREAT start and hardly cost more than 12g/piece)
Sixth: P.I.M.P. your bank. How often did you just vendor stuff or threw something on the AH just because you ran out of space? Buy all the tabs you can, there's even an achievement for it!
Seventh: not everything is about end-game items. You could focus on old world items that are still valuable: ores/bars (Adamantite/Fel Iron/Thorium/Mithril), herbs (Kingsblood/Briarthorn) etc...
Eight: I you haven't got a gatherer toon, make a DK if you can! They've got a talent called "on a pale horse" or something like that and it increases your mounted speed by 20%! Now level some nice gathering profs and walk around like a mad man
Ninth: If you just don't have a lot of high level characters, just borrow your friend's characters. Often people just forget about their profession's dailies.
Tenth: Be innovative. Be positive. I can make some gold and so can you! Do some research and I'm sure you'll find a nice market.

Good luck!

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